FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

21 Can I Appoint my own revive spot?
Yes, go to nurses and other NPC who provides such services.

22 What are the functions of attributes?
Attributes can increase weapons’ defense and attack level.

23 What are the shortcut keys in the game?
Yes, Item shortcut keys are Q, W, E, A, S, D, Skills Shortcut are 1~0.

24 How do I attack an enemy?
Move the cursor to the target and then press left button of the mouse.

25 Must I always hold on the left button of the mouse to hit the target? Are there more sufficient ways? Yes, Press [Ctrl] and, click left button of the mouse, or go to system menu and select automatic attack.

XtraVision Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Copyright ©2009 XtraVision Interactive Entertainment All rights reserved.