
RAN Online is of a unique genre where Real-Life and Sci-Fi collide. With Gang-style heroism as the underlying theme, the storyline is based on a modern, campus-academy background where familiar surroundings and foreign adventures intertwine.

Alongside the 360° rotational angle and stylish fighting action, RAN Online embodies several unique features:
  • - In-Game Events and Bonus: Every occasion deserves a celebration; Hard-works deserve bonuses; and players deserve interaction! The in-game events are not just changes in the background or gift-giving sessions, exclusive Event dialogs and NPC will really show you how to "play the event"!

  • - Club/Gang Fights: Tired of simple Monster-fighting or PvP?
    Street-Sweeping Run Downswill truly demonstrate the meaning of "Survival for the Fittest" where swarms of players charge at you! Make a stand and run them down! That is, if you can...
  • Computer Lab Sieges will let those tactical minds play out strategies on how to defend or conquer the Campus Computer Labs. Once you take control of the lab, it's time to put those money-making brains to work by adjusting the Trade-Rate! Can you say "Ka-Ching$$"?

  • - Fashion Runway: For you stylish folks, think the uniforms are too "last-season"? Then design your own! Submit your designs and you can wear them and show them off~ If you don't like what you're wearing, change them! We all want to look nice and fashionable when we are fighting monsters~

XtraVision Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Copyright ©2009 XtraVision Interactive Entertainment All rights reserved.